• How To Know If You're Ready To Buy A Home,Virginia Capital

    How To Know If You're Ready To Buy A Home

      If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice you’ll make. While housing market conditions are definitely a factor in your decision, your own life and your finances may be even more important. As an article from NerdWallet says: “Housing market trends give important context. But whether this is a good time to buy a house also depends on your financial situation, life goals and readiness to become a homeowner.” Instead of trying to time the market, it may help to focus on what you can control. Here are a few questions that can give you clarity on whether you’re ready to make your move. 1. Do You Have a Stable Job? One thing to consider is how stable you feel your employment is. Buying a home is a big purchase, and you’re going to sign a home loan stating you’re going to pay that loan back. That can feel like a big obligation. Knowing you have a reliable job and income coming in can help put your mind at ease. As NerdWallet explains: "A mortgage is a big commitment . . . Wait until your employment is stable before thinking about buying a house.” 2. Have You Figured Out What You Can Afford? To make sure you have a good idea of what you’ll need to save and what you can expect to spend on your monthly payment, talk to a trusted lender. They’ll be able to tell you about the pre-approval process and what you can borrow, current mortgage rates and approximate monthly payments, closing costs to anticipate, what percent of the purchase price of the home you’ll need for a down payment, and more. The best part is you may find out you’re closer to your goals than you realized. You don’t necessarily need to put 20% down, unless it’s specified by your lender or loan type. As Down Payment Resource says: “A 20% down payment on a home is great, but . . . Many mortgages require no more than 3% to 5% of the purchase price as a down payment. Plus, there are loans and grants that may help cover these costs. Search for down payment assistance in your area, and discuss your results with your mortgage lender . . .” 3. How Long Do You Plan to Live There? Another important thing to think about is how long you plan to stay put. It takes time to build equity in your home through paying down your loan and home price appreciation. If you plan to move too soon, you may not recoup your investment. For example, if you’re looking to sell and move again in a year, it might not make sense to buy right now. As a recent article from CNET says: “Buying a home is a good idea if you’re planning to stay put for at least three years. Home values typically increase between 2% and 5% annually, so you could end up paying more in closing costs than you’d earn in proceeds if you sell after only a year or two.” So, think about your future. If you plan to transfer to a new city with the upcoming promotion you’re working toward or you anticipate your loved ones will need you to move closer to take care of them, that’s something to factor in. Above all else, the most important question to answer is: do you have a team of real estate professionals in place? If not, finding a trusted local agent and a lender is a good first step. Bottom Line If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, these questions can help. But ultimately, your best and more reliable resource is the help of trusted real estate professionals.


  • Sellers : Don't Let These Two Things Hold You Back,Virginia Capital

    Sellers : Don't Let These Two Things Hold You Back

      Many homeowners thinking about selling have two key things holding them back. That’s feeling locked in by today’s higher mortgage rates and worrying they won’t be able to find something to buy while supply is so low. Let’s dive into each challenge and give you some helpful advice on how to overcome these obstacles. Challenge #1: The Reluctance to Take on a Higher Mortgage Rate According to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), the average interest rate for current homeowners with mortgages is less than 4%. But today, the typical 30-year fixed mortgage rate offered to buyers is closer to 7%. As a result, many homeowners are opting to stay put instead of moving to another home with a higher borrowing cost. This is a situation known as the mortgage rate lock-in effect. The Advice: Waiting May Not Pay Off While experts project mortgage rates will gradually fall this year as inflation cools, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should wait to sell. Mortgage rates are notoriously hard to predict. And, right now home prices are back on the rise. If you move now, you’ll at least beat rising home prices when you buy your next home. And, if experts are right and rates fall, you can always refinance later if that happens. Challenge #2: The Fear of Not Finding Something to Buy When so many homeowners are reluctant to take on a higher rate, fewer homes are going to come onto the market. That’s going to keep inventory low. As Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), explains: “Inventory will remain tight in the coming months and even for the next couple of years. Some homeowners are unwilling to trade up or trade down after locking in historically-low mortgage rates in recent years.” Even though you know this limited housing supply helps your house stand out to eager buyers, it may also make you feel hesitant to sell because you don’t want to struggle to find something to purchase. The Advice: Broaden Your Search If fear you won’t be able to find your next home is the primary thing holding you back, remember to consider all your options. Looking at all housing types including condos, townhouses, and even newly built homes can help give you more to choose from. Plus, if you’re able to work fully remote or hybrid, you may be able to consider areas you hadn’t previously searched. If you can look further from your place of work, you may have more affordable options. Bottom Line Instead of focusing on the challenges, focus on what you can control. Let’s connect so you’re working with a professional who has the experience to navigate these waters and find the perfect home for you.


  • Where Are People Moving Today And Why?,Virginia Capital

    Where Are People Moving Today And Why?

      Plenty of people are still moving these days. And if you’re thinking of making a move yourself, you may be considering the inventory and affordability challenges in the housing market and wondering what you can do to help offset those. A new report from Gravy Analytics provides insight into where people are searching for homes and what they’re prioritizing most right now. That information could help you plan your own move. 1. People Are Moving to Cities with Lower Housing Costs One big factor motivating where buyers are going is affordability and that’s no big surprise. People are relocating to areas that have less expensive housing options. As a result, small cities are thriving. Hannah Jones, Economics Data Analyst at Realtor.com, summarizes why: “Affordability is still very much front and center . . . a lot of what’s available is outside of the price range of many buyers. . . . so they look elsewhere for a little more bang for the buck.” The takeaway for you? If you’re having trouble finding a home that fits your budget, it may help to browse other, more affordable locations nearby. 2. People Want to Live Where They Vacation And, if you’re already expanding your search radius, you may be able to include a location that features your favorite type of destination, like a suburb near the beach or a mountain town. Data shows many other homeowners are making that type of move a priority today. According to the same report from Gravy Analytics: “Whether it’s the opportunity to enjoy more weekend hikes in the mountains or to wake up to a lakeside sunrise, people are moving to areas that were once thought of as vacation spots.” Even with today’s home prices and mortgage rates, here’s why a move like this could be possible for you. If you’re already a homeowner, the equity you’ll get when you sell your current house can help fuel that move and give you the down payment you’d need for your dream home. 3. People Who Work Remotely Are Taking Advantage of that Flexibility Ongoing remote work is another major factor in where people are moving. A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute says this about recent movement patterns: “Many of these moves happened because employees untethered from their daily commutes began to care less about how far they lived from the office.” If you’re a remote or hybrid worker, you don’t have to live in the same city, or sometimes even the same state, as your job. That means you can prioritize other things, like being closer to loved ones, when buying a home. In fact, the same McKinsey Global Institute report notes for people who moved during the pandemic, 55% reported moving farther from the office. And since remote work is still a popular choice today, homebuyers will likely continue to take advantage of that flexibility. Bottom Line Lots of people are still moving today. If you want help navigating today’s inventory or affordability challenges, and expert advice to help you find your ideal home, let's connect.
